The Lore.
Today, 26 November, is an extremely important day for me, and also the day I will try to make a change for countless lives.
I will start off with the background story.
When I was little, being an only child was pretty hard for me, my parents would more than often work overtime so they could keep me in school, and so that our fridge would never be empty.
Although I have probably spent more than the healthy amount of time "alone" for a child my age, I've never felt lonely.
Why? Because around the time I started middle school, my parents took me to a local animal shelter.
I may not remember everything vividly, but from what they told me, I went straight away and picked a little kitten.
My mom, being Italian, has decided to name him Speranza, which means Hope, as some sort of lucky-charm of mine.
I may not have realized these things right away, since I was so little, but this cat has bringed me so much joy and closure along the years, that now, looking back, I don't know if I would've been the same person I am today, if Speranza wasn't there with me on all those stormy nights when I was alone at home, on all those days when I got a bad grade at school, and he would start making biscuits on my leg, making me laugh through the tears, on all those days I had nobody to play with, but he was always there for me.
When I was 16, Speranza started to eat less and less, and one day, when I checked on him, I noticed that his eyes turned yellow-ish.
We took him to the vet in the nearest city, where they told us these are signs of liver disease.
I honestly don't want to recall what I felt in that moment, he had vet visits before, but never something so serious like this.
The vet gave us 2 options : either we go straight for surgery, which had a very high success rate, either we got for the medication treatment, which he didn't recommend, because it was not guaranteed that it would work.
I would've done anything to make that surgery possible, but we just couldn't afford it.
I begged my parents to do something so that the surgery could be an option, but it was out of their power at that time.
I prayed every night for Speranza, and even with all the medication we gave him, his liver failed.
The day I buried my best friend was the most painful day I've experienced in my life so far.
Why is 26 November such an important date? Well, today is his birthday.
And today, I will be petting my cat (whom I've named after him) on livestream, donating all the money made from the dev wallet straight to helping animals in need, via crypto to puppykittynyc .
I hope that today, we will be able to change the lives of some innocent souls out there, much more than I would've ever been able to on my own.
Sells made from the dev wallet, will be immediately followed by a burn of supply, which will be immediately followed by transactions posted on twitter where we send the funds to the charity.
The dev wallet is and will remain public, with no tokens transferred other than the money sent to charity.
If you haven't done this today, go and give your pet a little pat on the head - it will more than certainly make their day.
This is for you, Speranza.
Last updated